Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Calming the anxiety beast

Ahhhhh yes the beast of anxiety is rearing its ugly head for the last couple of days.  Money is tight to say the least and its taking a toll in terms of tension in the household.  I have felt lost and out of place for the last couple of weeks.  So with that being said, Sweets and I decided that it might be a good idea if I head to Florida to spend some time with my mom.  My poor dear mother has recently had surgery to remove a large skin cancer thingy from the top of her head and needs help packing up the Florida house and driving home.  The great part of this is that i am going to be able rest, detox my body from the amount of wine and booze I have been consuming, run and get my diet back into check.  My mom happens to love when I cook so this will be a great chance to try some new things in the kitchen.  I absolutely cannot wait to head to the fish market to see what the local fisherman have brought in that day and shop at the adorable Farmer's Market.  Now the down and somewhat insane side of this whole trip is that I will be driving (with mom and 90 pound beast of love) home the day before we leave for Gulf Shores Al.  Am I insane?  Well I guess only time will tell.  I am hoping to post everyday while I am there, if not anything but to clear my head and heart.  So with that, I will leave you with just a quick little recipe I plan on using with some fresh caught grouper once I get to Florida.  And for further reference, I am not a "measurer" so everything is to taste and approximate.

Vera Cruz Sauce (I use with pretty much any light white fish) Easy Peasy!!


3 tablespoons olive oil
6 cloves garlic (minced)
scallions sliced thin
1/2 tablespoon minced fresh jalapeno pepper (seeded for less heat)
1 cup sliced green olives
1/4 cup drained capers
3 cups diced canned tomatoes or 5-6 roma tomatoes (seeded and chopped)
salt and pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil
Heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil in saucepan. Add garlic, scallions, jalapeno, olives and capers. As soon as ingredients start to sizzle, add the tomatoes and salt and pepper. Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. 
Like I said easy and delish.  
Well...until later.  

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